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Case Notes

Case Notes

This case related to Hong Kong Identity Card number / Hong Kong Identity Card copy

Case No.:2001C04

Display of Identity Card Number in a newspaper article

The complainant was a police undercover agent engaged on a criminal investigation case. In an article published by a newspaper on its web-site, the newspaper disclosed a copy of the complainant's witness statement in which his Hong Kong Identity Card Number, Police UI Number and full Chinese Name were clearly shown. The complainant had not consented to the public display of his identifying particulars in the article. Neither would the display of the complainant's full identifiable particulars serve any public interest in the circumstances of the case. The publication by the newspaper of the personal data was found to be in breach of DPP3. The publisher was directed to delete the data from the article.

Category : Provisions/DPPs/COPs/Guidelines : Topic/Subject Matter :