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Case Notes

Case Notes

This case related to Hong Kong Identity Card number / Hong Kong Identity Card copy

Case No.:2002C03

Collection of customer's identity card copy upon cash refund

The complainant requested a refund of tour fee and charges from a travel service agent. In processing the request, the agent required the complainant to sign a receipt acknowledgement form and provide a photocopy of his Hong Kong identity card. The agent argued that the identity card copy was necessary as evidence to prove that the cash refund was given to the right person. Upon investigation, it was revealed that the collection of the identity card copy by the agent was not justified in the circumstances of the case. First, the complainant appeared in person to request the refund. It would only be necessary for the agent to verify the complainant's identity by inspecting his identity card data and comparing it with its own sales record regarding the tour. Secondly, even if the complainant failed to produce the original tour receipt, the agent could have issued a cheque for the refund by addressing it to the person who, according to the sales record, was the purchaser of the tour. The collection of the complainant's identity card copy, in the circumstances of the case, was an excessive collection of personal data contrary to the requirements of DPP1(1).

Category : Provisions/DPPs/COPs/Guidelines : Topic/Subject Matter :