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Case Notes

Case Notes

Case No.:2005C19
Non-compliance with data access request by medical practitioner... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP6
Case No.:2004C19
Data access request made by an ex-employee... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP6
Case No.:2005C06
Use of covert means to monitor employees' activities at work... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP1, DPP5, Monitoring
Case No.:2005C05
Property management body collected identity card numbers of persons driving out from a car park... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP1, Identity Card
Case No.:2003C11
Collection of ID card number of visitor by security guard... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP1, DPP2, DPP4, Identity Card
Case No.:2004C04
Service provider used customer's credit card data of terminated account to charge... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP3
Case No.:2004C02
Collection of identity card numbers of residents applying for electronic entrance cards by property management company... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP1, Identity Card
Case No.:2004C01
Collection of employees' DNA data... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP1
Case No.:2008C04
Collect fingerprint data of employees for the purposes of monitoring their time-and-attendance and ensuring office security is excessive... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP1, Monitoring
Case No.:2002C07
Service of trial bundle by a solicitor's firm... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP4
Case No.:2002C03
Collection of customer's identity card copy upon cash refund... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP1, Identity Card
Case No.:2002C01
Refusal to comply with data access request... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP6
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