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Case Notes

Case Notes

Case No.:1998E20
Collection of the ID card number of a patient is allowed to ensure correct treatment is given to the correct person.... <more>
Areas of Concern:Identity Card
Case No.:1998E17
Definition of subsequent collection under Section 35 of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Meaning of "material difference" under S35 ... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP1
Case No.:1998E15
2.4.3 of the Code of Practice on the ID Card Number and other personal identifiers does not apply where the record of an ID card number is receiv... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP2, Identity Card
Case No.:1998E13
Practice in relation to admission of visitors to jewellery fairs including collection of ID card numbers, searching of bags and CCTV camera recor... <more>
Areas of Concern:Identity Card
Case No.:1998E11
Collecting and using ID card number for the purposes of public examinations.... <more>
Areas of Concern:Identity Card, Exemptions
Case No.:1998E08
Waiver of right in service agreement that the companies may use personal data collected cannot override the requirements of the Personal Data (Pr... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP1, DPP3
Case No.:1998E02
Whether a data user who collects the the ID card number by means of collecting a copy of the ID card under the Code is entitled to retain the cop... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP2, Identity Card
Case No.:1998E01
Whether disclosure to a new owner of a second hand car of the repair record of the previous owner of that car would contravene the Personal Data ... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP3
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