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Case Notes

Case Notes

Case No.:2004A17
Transfer of customer's credit card data to an associated company... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP3
Case No.:2004A08
Telecom company passed customer's data to a debt collection agent for debt recovery... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP3
Case No.:2004C04
Service provider used customer's credit card data of terminated account to charge... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP3
Case No.:1999A01
Retention of ex-customer's personal data after account termination... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP2, DPP3
Case No.:2002C07
Service of trial bundle by a solicitor's firm... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP4
Case No.:2002C01
Refusal to comply with data access request... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP6
Case No.:2001C03
Loss of documents when subscribing to a mobile phone service... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP4
Case No.:2000E20
Whether an insurer could exchange with other insurers claims history of a claimant suspected of dishonesty.... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP3, Exemptions
Case No.:2000E11
Whether a direct-selling company can obtain from its distributors the personal data of customers for processing refund requests.... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP1, DPP3
Case No.:2001E15
Taking over the customers' database of a distributor... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP3
Case No.:2000E15
Collection of ID copy of an individual guarantor by an equipment leasing company.... <more>
Areas of Concern:Identity Card, Exemptions
Case No.:1997C12
Liability of an employer for acts of employees... <more>
Areas of Concern:DPP3
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